Oh, the places I've been.



I know, I know, I just talked to you all yesterday but I am breaking the norm for a moment. Today I turn 27 years old. Two years ago today I told myself that when I turned 26, either I wouldn't be living in New York or I'd at least be away somewhere and doing something different. Well, 26 came faster than I expected and I spent it in New York with a huge flag football win for the BruCrew and my amazing family and friends by my side. Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not complaining about not achieving that goal. I'm grateful I didn't stick with that plan last year, I wouldn't trade my 26th birthday for anything. However, I am really proud of myself for fulfilling it this year. I can't wait to see what 27 brings.

A very special and wonderful shoutout to my parents, step-parents, and brother for always being the number one fans in my cheering section and keeping me entertained when there's no one else to on this trip, and in life. Especially for coming to see me in New Mexico! If you haven't met my family and in case you're wondering, they're funny with hearty laughs that are contagious, supportive, overly thoughtful, if that is even a thing, close-knit, weird and cooky; we're the Addams Family. No, just kidding, I couldn't help myself. *Snap, snap.* Anyway, meeting up with them in Santa Fe was one of my favorite stops on this adventure. I'm so proud of us for not killing each other living in a house together and going out and exploring Brusi-Lowe-Friedland style. Boy, that's a mouthful, huh? Everything from delicious margaritas, to Dad dropping the cake during our little birthday bash, to Sam practically running me out of the room with snoring that could wake the dead, to an all out Scrabble slaughter with Thatch against Mom and Jay; I wouldn't want to have started a new year in my life with anyone else but you guys. Even if technically it wasn't really on the 16th, it still counts. Honestly, that's the reason why I love my birthday every year. If you're rolling your eyes or thinking, "it's just a birthday, what's the big deal?" I'll tell you what the big deal is - ever since I went off to college and didn't live at home, my birthday was my one day out of the year where everybody put everything else aside, got along, met me wherever I was, and had a great time. I guess the birthday tradition is still going strong.

High fives all around.

I will leave you all with some Dr. Seuss. Its my favorite quote and it's what I woke up telling myself this morning.

"Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Shout loud. I am what I am! That's a great thing to be! If I say so myself, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!"

Thanks to all of my family, friends, hosts, and kind strangers, for helping me get this far in my journey. Without you all, there would be no me. If I never met you, then what would I do? If I never met you, then what would I be? I might be a fish! Or a toad in a tree! I might even be a doorknob or three baked potatoes! I might be a bag full of hard green tomatoes! But I... I am me! And, now isn't that pleasant.

I sure think so.

- G.

The Photo:
The best family anyone could ask for.

And one more for good measure... haha.

Touching Down in Denver.

Touching Down in Denver.

Sandboarding The Dunes.

Sandboarding The Dunes.